Integrated Report Ricoh Group Integrated Report 2024


In response to feedback from investors and other stakeholders on last year’s integrated report, and insights from ongoing engagement activities, we have made the following key improvements for this year’s report:

Expanding the messaging on challenges and initiatives related to enhancing corporate value

  • Message to Our Stakeholders: Discusses earnings structure reforms for Ricoh’s transformation into a digital services company. Covers the philosophy and progress with the Corporate Value Improvement Project aimed at achieving medium- to long-term growth, approaches to delivering value as a workplace services provider, and efforts to foster talent development and organizational culture.
  • Interview with the CFO: Covers the management approach to capital costs and share price, internal cash management, growth investment policies, and the CFO’s mission, all aligned with Ricoh’s aim to become a digital services company.
  • Conversation between Outside Directors: Explores the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, the Nomination Committee, and the Compensation Committee, challenges in advancing the Corporate Value Improvement Project, and key priorities for long-term growth.

Expressing Ricoh’s strengths and how current financial performance ties into future financial outlooks

  • Value creation process: Highlights Ricoh Group’s business models and profit growth mechanisms that leverage its strengths—its customer base, customer touchpoints, and in-house intellectual property—and presents specific initiatives for value creation.
  • ESG strategies: Initiatives linked to materiality that address social issues, aligning ESG with business growth, and integrating ESG targets into executive compensation.
  • Human capital strategy: Delivering Fulfillment through Work for employees and customers by fostering self-directed career development and cultivating digital talent to lead the business.
  • Innovation strategy: Focusing on growth areas, strengthening R&D investment governance, and driving innovation through digital strategies.


From the perspective of the reporting universe, previously introduced quantitative information and activity outcomes will be primarily referenced through links to our website.

Declaration of Authenticity

As CFO and chairperson of the Disclosure Committee, I affirm that we prepared this report through a clear process involving close collaboration across departments, management deliberations in key committees, and Disclosure Committee verification and approval. The report accurately reflects the Ricoh Group’s current situation. I hope it helps diverse stakeholders understand our drive for sustainable growth and efforts to build a sustainable society.

Director, Executive Corporate Officer and CFO
Takashi Kawaguchi

ESG-Related Reports

We augment the Integrated Report, which outlines our overall initiatives, with comprehensive ESG information in the Environmental Report and ESG Data Book.

We will leverage stakeholder feedback on various aspects of our corporate activities to further enhancement corporate value.